Social Media Platforms for Business

There are so many options for social media and reaching new customers online. But with so many options, it’s nearly impossible to be active on them. So what are the best social media platforms for business? You’re about to find out.

Social media is no longer a new thing. With the growth of the internet in the early 2000s and new ways to communicate, social media platforms have emerged. Still, to this day, new networks like

Snapchat and TikTok have started and are gaining momentum. Larger platforms like Facebook continually improve their product by adding new features, acquiring smaller companies and incorporating new technologies like virtual reality and facial recognition. Unfortunately, others like Vine, MySpace and Buzz failed to innovate and died a slow death.

Choosing the Right Social Media Platform for Your Business

The most important question is, “Where are my customers online?” The answer to this question ultimately decides where your business should be online. To determine this, you need to know your ideal customer.

If you own a home-building company, you may find that your ideal customer is a younger, growing family. Typically retirees are not looking to build a new home. Therefore, the social network to be on is the one that is popular among mid-30 to 45-year-olds. If your homes are high-end or you build cabins, the age bracket would probably increase between 40 – 55 year-olds because they are more established and have disposable income.

Of course, other factors may come into play besides age when choosing the right social media network. You may consider different demographics like gender, income, education, career and location of customers.

If you sell skateboards, your customer is most likely a teenager or young adult between 13-24 years old. To reach that customer, you may need to be posting daily on Snapchat.

Here are a few good resources to help you determine your target demographic:

Once you choose the best social networks for your small business, you will want to be active on each one. This is another reason why it’s important to only choose a few. Once you decide on your social media platforms, you are ready to learn about Social Media Engagement Tips.

Picture of Ryan Boutin
Ryan Boutin
Owner of Zeal Media, Ryan, is passionate about helping owners take their small businesses to the next level. As a long-term entrepreneur, he has started and grown multiple small businesses for himself and his kids, from building homes to selling online products.
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